Players in remote teams compete in this energizing team activity while working together as a company/group to achieve a common objective.

The unbelievable has happened. The Olympic Rings have lost their colours!  You are our only hope to paint regain the colours.  Can you showcase outstanding communication and collaboration skills and rise to the occasion?

The game can be tailored to suit your specific industry, company, learning objectives, region and target demographic.


We take care of everything

The entire group is split into teams of 5-6 participants and is assigned an Olympic Coach to insure top motivation and participation from alle team members.  3 days in advance they get an invitation letter via email with instructions and a link to join on gameday

Opening ceremony

Conference tool of your choice

All participants gather in a conference call. The Olympic Director welcomes participants and recaps the mission of the Colours Olympic Challenge.

Olympic Disciplines

Live facilitating

Participants connect per team in separate conference calls while completing challenges and assignments to earn as many colour units as possible.  Teams will be in constant contact with their Olympic Coach, who will support them throughout.

Closing ceremony

Live presented

Teams gather back in the main call.  During the closing ceremony we share footage of the game and Medals and Prizes are awarded to the winners!  Did the group manage the common challenge of re-painting the Olympic Rings?

  • The Colour Olympics can be organized from anywhere online.
  • We use video conferencing facilities and other online tools, none of which require account log ins.
  • We provide expert facilitators who are present for the whole of your session.
  • All participants receive an email 72h prior to the game with full instructions.
  • Between 20 and 4000 participants per session.
  • 1,5 – 2 hours per session.